Tuesday 24 November 2009


EDWARD FISHER-The killer is a lonely 22 year old male named Edward fisher. He’s a normal looking man but with a such a passion for success who knows what crimes he could commit. Other than the occasional beating from his father when he was younger there was nothing traumatic about fishers childhood. He is a new up and coming member of parliament, with straight black hair and a smart appearance, well sometimes. Edward will walk over anyone to get in power, he feels no sadness or regret for the crimes he commits as it is only getting him closer to success.SOPHIE KING-Sophie King is the female victim that Fisher kills for information. Her father is the highest in the business therefore she is vital for fisher as she’s the one who can get him ahead in the game. Sophie was a quiet young girl but enjoyed how much attention she got from her fathers prestige role, sometimes she may have got too much attention. She didn’t know Edward well and would have never guessed that he would ever be her killer. Working as a receptionist her father trusted her with all of his deepest secrets and fundamental information- which she kept in a file. One night Sophie was transferring the information, but fisher followed her. When she was reluctant to give him the information for money, he took it into his own hands. The endless torture was too much for her and fisher killed the young female.MATHEW KING-Mr King is the best in the business whatever he wants, he gets. Although he may not seem it King is a huge family man and when he finds out about the death of him beloved daughter it almost kills him. Matthew king will walk over anyone to get where he wants to be and cares not about feelings or friends, just success and money. There is no one who can become higher than him without getting into and discovering all of his messy secrets. King is fishers arch enemy, even though Edward would love to be in Matthew’s place. He is the world leader and everyone looks up to him. He devises a sick plot to damage the world as it is now. When he finds out that fisher holds this information he hires hit men to take him down and publish the secrets to evidently destroy humanity.JIN KOUENG-Jin is one of Edwards companions but he knows too much of the secret. He tries to help fisher but his good heart stops him and he attempts to tell the authorities as it is killing him inside. He never helps with the killings but knows when and where it is going to happen. Towards the end, Jin can’t contain himself and needs to tell someone, but fisher can’t allow this as there relationship brakes down he has to do what’s right for his country and his uncontrollable need to kill means he kills Jin Koueng.SCRIPT-The first scene sees the credits running through a scene of a man murdering a woman, who holds an important piece of information scribbled onto some paper. The scene cuts back and to from the night before (the murder) to the day after (where the murderer puts the woman into a sac).throughtout the film, we look at the murderers character (edward fisher) and what he has to do to keep this important information from the world. The main plot of the narrative shows edward fisher trying to kill and destroy all knowladge of the information. Three men across the globe want to share this information to the world but edward needs to help his country and assasinate them for the good of humanity. During the plot, until the end, nobody finds out about this infrormation. One of the killers 'Jin Koueng' plays a large part in the plot as he knows too much about the secret and will never give up. Towards the end there is a confrontation between edward jin. the secret is spilt (to the viewer) and edward eventually murders jin. As Edward is the only person who knows now, he ends his own life so then the secret is burried and dead.

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