Tuesday 24 November 2009


TreatmentDead End is a political thriller showing world leaders and how corrupt they can become when change is approaching.ConceptAn upcoming MP is set to killing government officials who plan to kill a world leader which plans to make change. If the assassination of the world leader is successful it will lead to global war among countries.SynopsisThe beginning shows the killer, Edward Fisher, murdering a political women who holds key information about an assassination to a famous world leader who plans to make changes.Throughout the film, we look at the murderer’s character (Edward fisher) and what he has to do to keep this important information from the world. The main plot of the narrative shows Edward fisher trying to kill and destroy all knowledge of the information. Three men across the globe want to share this information to the world but Edward needs to help his country and assassinate them for the good of humanity. During the plot, until the end, nobody finds out about this information. One of the killers 'Jin Koueng' plays a large part in the plot as he knows too much about the secret and will never give up. Towards the end there is a confrontation between Edward and Jin. The secret is spilt (to the viewer) and Edward eventually murders Jin. As Edward is the only person who knows now and the famous world leader is safe, he ends his own life so then the secret is buried and dead.Opening sceneThe opening scene isn’t too revealing to the audience as it shows a man dragging a bin bag through a park with the graphics flicking between the frames. The graphics consist of the man reading the political section of the news paper and cutting out articles. We also see women’s features yet the audience don’t know why in till the end when the woman is revealed to be in the bin bag and the killer is throwing the bag with the women in away.Target audienceDead end is aimed at 15 year olds and over as it depicts how tyrannical politics can be and how corruptive MPs and world leaders are. We chose to pick ‘Certificate 15’ as young adults and adults themselves realise how deceiving our government can be. The film consists of violence and heavy swearing.Other detailsThere are no notable stars in this film as it is only a short production; also we have chosen to shoot the opening scene in a park to show how a peaceful and ‘fun’ place can be disturbed by the government, which can resemble society in some ways.

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